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For Patients



Below are a guide to the current fees (E&OE). These do not include anaesthetic and hospital fees. Please contact us if you have any questions.

Fees for initial consultation are £250.00 and are for up to 30 minutes.

The consultation is first step to assessing the complexity conditions some will not need the full 30 minutes and some maybe a little longer than 30 minutes. On receiving the referral letter and appointment will be made usually via letter these appointments can be moved if not convenient. Telephone appointments can be made without a  referral letter.

Every endeavour will be made to obtain any MRI/Scan xray’s prior to an appointment.

The consultant may recommend updating a  scan or having an initial scan if not had one before.  These can be booked via the hospitals MRI units and reports will be sent back to us and a follow up appointment will be made to give the results this process may take a week.

Alternatively a procedure may be recommended and a date for treatment will be given on the day of the appointment. An estimate of our fees will be forwarded to you.

Medication issues are also looked at in the consultation and there maybe recommendations for new medications or adjustments to existing medications.

A clinic letter will be sent to you and GP or any other healthcare provider that you feel should  be kept informed.

At all times the administration team are very happy to help with queries, worries and financial issues and have experience to be able to deal with these things quickly.

Please note that when you undertake any treatment or consultation with us, you are responsible for the fees that result, not your insurance company. Sometimes you may find that your insurance does not cover all of the fee and you may be liable for the shortfall.

The consultation will provide recommendations which may include one of our injections treatments, an estimate of our costs will be sent by post.

Medical Fees – is there a contract between the patient and consultant?

Any patient who consults or is treated by a consultant in the private medical sector will be personally responsible for the payment of all their consultant’s fees and a financial contract exists between them. In many instances patients have private medical insurance that will fully reimburse them for their medical fees. However, there are often exclusions within these policies (i.e. specific medical conditions, outpatient allowances or payment by the patients of an initial excess amount). Sometimes there may be shortfalls in the insurance reimbursement that the patient receives for the consultant’s fees. In the event that there is a shortfall it is borne by the patient who is personally legally liable to the consultant for his/her fees.

Who pays the consultant’s fees?

Your consultant will submit their fees to you for his services. These fees should be laid out so as to illustrate clearly the services rendered and appropriate codes for any procedures. Normally an operative fee will include routine post-operative care in the hospital. Separate fees are charged for follow-up consultations after surgery. Some (but not all) insurers refuse to pay for an initial follow-up consultation if this takes place within a certain time after surgery or discharge from hospital. You should note that the insurance companies do not pay consultant fees; they reimburse patients for consultant fees. Insurers give benefits; consultants charge fees. These benefits or levels of reimbursements vary between different companies for the same procedure, in many cases insurance companies have not increased member benefits for consultant fees for over ten years despite increasing their client’s insurance premium annually. If there are shortfalls then the patient is responsible for this amount, which should be paid directly to the consultant within a reasonable time.


"I can’t thank Dr Aldington enough for his endeavour to make my back better and for the treatment I received but we both agreed that the trouble was with my age, which comes to us all."